hello to everybody that had been reading this blog since i was 15.
when i made stupid post about adam lambert and bill kaulitz and all those cool pretty celebrity crush,
who would have thought that i am now married. phew :3
i myself cant believe it.
it is one of those thing that i never listed in my to do things. haha
15 years old me would try to talk to me out of this,
"really maryam? u wanted to get married? to a man?! ewww"
we dont like men when we were 15. we only like pretty anime character and men who looks like a girl and wearing make up haha.
and i am married to someone who i would never had imagined when i was 15, welp, its not adam lambert :p
but i am married to my lovely-now-exboyfriend upgraded to my husband,
welp not his first time being my ex-bf hahaha
we had a very roller coaster up and down-hell-out of the rail relationship for 10 years
im glad to go through that journey with him. every bit of it. the high, the low and the mediocre.
we see each other grew up, we were both super dumb and young when we first started all this,
theres a lot of moment that i am not proud of, and he also have some, but im glad that we brave it all and here we are, married at last. there will be a whole lot more up, down, out of this world bizarre things that we will go through. and i hope we will make it together, as always. i love you. always have and always will. So glad to call you my hushhhbanddd, my am am <3 p="">
later i post more okay. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3 br="">
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